Imperial Festival 2018
Now in its eighth year, the Imperial festival, took place over two days on 28 and 29 April. Over 20,000 […]
Now in its eighth year, the Imperial festival, took place over two days on 28 and 29 April. Over 20,000 people visited the festival, which aimed to introduce the under-12s to science and technology. As part of the festival, Oscar William, Josh Bailey, Sofia Marchesini and Ryan Bower from the CDT-ACM organised and ran activities for children which focussed on pollution and sustainability. The CDT collaborated with educational collective People Power (PPL PWR), who aim to promote sustainable technologies and innovations.
Experiments included one in which dry ice was added to water, and which was designed to mimic the dissolution of gaseous CO2 in our atmosphere and showed how this acidifies our oceans. Another experiment used body heat to light up LED lights and so created a hand-warming generator.
It was a great weekend and the CDT is looking forward to taking part in the festival again next year.
To find out more about the festival, please click here and you can follow People Power on Twitter @pplpwrorg, or on Facebook at PPL PWR.