Sofia Marchesini is awarded her PhD
Congratulations to Imperial College CDT-ACM student Sofia Marchesini has been awarded her PhD after passing her viva at Imperial College. […]
Congratulations to Imperial College CDT-ACM student Sofia Marchesini has been awarded her PhD after passing her viva at Imperial College. Sofia’s research project was entitled 2D non-carbonaceous materials for chemical separations, and Sofia was sponsored throughout her PhD by industrial partners BP-ICAM.
Whilst at Imperial College Sofia was able to register a patent for Porous Boron nitride (PCT Application No. PCT/GB2018/050686, filed: 03/2017) with her supervisor Dr. Camille Petit.
Sofia is now working at the National Physics Laboratory in Teddington and we wish her the best of luck with her future career.
From left to right: Dr Camille Petit, Sofia Marchesini, and PhD external examiner Prof Valeska Ting from Bristol University