Dr Britta Redlich

Radboud University


Director FELIX Laboratory, Faculty of Science, Radboud University

Britta Redlich is the director of the FELIX Laboratory at the Radboud University in Nijmegen and leads a research group on Infrared and THz spectroscopy using the FELIX free electron lasers. She obtained her PhD on studies of the adsorption of small molecules on insulating surfaces using infrared spectroscopy from the University of Hannover (Germany) and held a postdoctoral position at University of Münster (Germany). An Emmy-Noether fellowship from the German Research Foundation, DFG, was awarded to study laser-induced desorption processes using the Free Electron Laser FELIX at the FOM Institute Rijnhuizen in Nieuwegein. In 2003, she became staff scientist and facility manager being responsible for the user program and operation of the FELIX laser. She is member of a number of international consortia of accelerator-based light sources and laser including LEAPS, LaserLab Europe and FELs of Europe.


Website: https://www.ru.nl/felix/staff/staff/persons/redlich/