Esra Alhabshi

Imperial College London


Research Project: Improved Charge Transport Layers and Perovskite Active Layer for High Performance, High Stability, High
Bandgap Perovskite Solar Cells
Supervisor: Martyn MacLachlan (ICL)

Esra Graduated from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada with a bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering. Her bachelor’s degree focused on Nanotechnology and Microsystems. She works in the research and development department of the Saudi oil company, Saudi Aramco. She has been working in the sustainability research team of Saudi Aramco, and she worked on Perovskite single crystal, triple cations high bandgap perovskite, and Perovskite solar cells. She is currently in Prof Martyn MacLachlan’s group working on high bandgap Perovskite solar cells.