Isabel Antony

University College London


Research Project: Correlative x-ray and neutron studies of li-ion battery performance and degradation
Supervisors: Paul Shearing (UCL), Christoph Rau (Diamond), and Martin Owen Jones (ISIS)

Isabel graduated from the University of Tübingen in 2019 with a BSc degree in Geoscience, followed by a MSc degree in Geoscience with a focus in petrology and ore geology, which she completed at the University of Münster in 2022. During her master’s project, Isabel worked at the Münster Electrochemical Energy Technology Centre (MEET). There, she mainly investigated the deposition of transition metals on graphite anodes of lithium-ion batteries. As part of her PhD, Isabel will work in collaboration with University College London, the Diamond Light Source and the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source to develop combined neutron imaging and diffraction tools, alongside novel X-ray imaging techniques. Isabel’s goal is to provide an understanding of lithium-ion battery operation and degradation from the ‘atom to the device’ level.

Jennifer Hack

The CDT gave me the opportunity to meet people working in different fields and gain experience in a wide range of characterisation techniques that I could apply to my research.