Dr Mudasir Yatoo


Research Project: Development of layered oxides for electrochemical devices
Stephen Skinner and Ainara Aguadero (Imperial)

Mudasir received an MS in Material Chemistry with distinction from Tohoku University, Japan in 2015 where he studied Molecular Magnetism and Carbon Nanotube (CNT) Electronics, and was involved in synthesizing the molecules which featured Single-Molecule Magnet (SMM) characteristics.  Mudasir also worked on synthesizing SMM-CNT hybrids in which an SMM molecule is encapsulated into a carbon nanotube. For his PhD, Mudasir is researching Solid Oxide Fuel Cells under the supervision of Professor Stephen Skinner and Dr. Ainara Aguadero. He is particularly focussing on the development of layered oxides for electrochemical devices.