Samyog Adhikari
University College London
Research Project: Synthesis, characterisation and biofunctionalisation of multiferroic nanocomposites for biomedical applications
Supervisors: Nguyen TK Thanh (UCL) and Peter W. Dunne (TCD)
Samyog graduated with a BSc in Physics (1st class) from University of Hertfordshire, followed by an MSc in Physics , and an MRes in Security Science from UCL. His Master’s project focussed on X-ray Diffraction and X-ray Backscatter characterisation of organic materials. He is a PhD student in Professor Thanh’s group based at the Royal Institution where he will investigate the magnetoelectric property of multiferroic nanocomposites. This will involve synthesis, the usage of various characterisation techniques and biofunctionalisation of nanocomposites for healthcare applications.